Everyone is equal, everyone should be excellent to each other, and everyone should be supportive. No racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory messages will be allowed here. We’re all one family, so be sure you act accordingly.

MCRmy members can support MCR in many ways. If there are promotional materials to distribute, you can help do that. You can also help by helping spread videos and news online when asked, or simply by talking to people you know about the band. You can help in any way that you feel comfortable.

Jul 8, 2011

REVIEW: (excerpt, TRANSLATED) Optimus Alive - Day 2

(translation below)

My Chemical Romance – Palco Optimus

Não era preciso estar perto do palco principal para perceber que os My Chemical Romance tinham acabado de entrar. Assim foi quando soaram os gritos efusivos de histeria generalizada provenientes da parte central do palco, constituída na sua maior parte por um público muito jovem.
A música, essa, começou sob uma salva de aplausos e voz em uníssono a acompanhar ‘Na na na’ do álbum ‘Danger days’, para a euforia do público adolescente que já marcava lugar desde cedo.
«It’s a fucking good day for music in Portugal», grunhiu Gerard Way no seu jeito altivo muito próprio, o vocalista da banda, depois do tema ‘Vampire Money’. Na verdade, a maior parte do concerto decorreu entre muitas asneiras e gritos histéricos de resposta pela plateia em frente ao palco, repleta na sua maioria de eye liners, preto e todas as especificidades da “moda emo” que tanto acompanhou e suportou a banda desde o início.
De cabelo vermelho e atitude irreverente, o vocalista dos MCR acabou mesmo por ser o foco principal do certame, ao nunca abandonar a maneira de agir brejeira, no seguimento para ‘Mamma’.
‘The only hope for me is you’ deu o primeiro passo no sing along dos fãs, vozes que se sobrepuseram muitas vezes ao som da própria banda. Cada vez que a banda anunciava qualquer nome dos temas mais populares do conjunto, os níveis de loucura registavam novos picos de loucura. Assim foi com ‘Teenagers’, que conseguiu por a multidão aos saltos e a acompanhar alegremente o refrão.
Apesar de todos os preconceitos que se foram criando em torno da banda ao longo dos últimos anos, os MCR mostraram no concerto do Alive uma atitude diferente, mais dura e radical, que se sentiu principalmente em ‘Black Parade’ e ‘Helena’, temas centrais da banda, apresentados num registo mais rápido e cru, qual vontade de sair do ‘emo’ e entrar nos reinos do Punk rock.

(translated by Google Translate):

My Chemical Romance - Optimus Stage 
You had to be near the main stage to realize that My Chemical Romance had just entered, because it was when the screams sounded effusive widespread hysteria from the center of the stage, made ​​up mostly by a very young audience.
The music, that began under a volley of applause and voices in unison to follow 'Na na na' album 'Danger days, "to the euphoria of teens who have marked the place early.

It's a fucking good day for music in Portugal, "grunted Gerard Way in his own way too flashy, the lead singer of the band after the song 'Money Vampire'. In fact, most of the concert will be held among many blunders and screaming by the audience response in front of the stage, mostly full of eye liner, black and all the specifics of the "emo fashion" that both accompanied and supported the band since the beginning. Red hair and irreverent attitude, the lead singer of MCR would even be the main focus of the event, while never abandoning the way of acting Brejeira, following to 'Mamma'.

'The Only Hope for Me is You' was the first in the fans sing along, voices that often overlapped with the sound of the band itself. Each time the band announced any name of the most popular themes from all levels of madness register new peaks of lunacy. So it was with 'Teenagers', which won for the crowd to jump and gladly accompany the chorus.

Despite all the prejudices that were created around the band over the past year, the MCR in concert Alive showed a different attitude, more radical and hard, felt mainly in 'Black Parade' and 'Helena', This MCR was more fast and raw, showing they have left the 'emo' scene behind and have entered the realms of punk rock.

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