Everyone is equal, everyone should be excellent to each other, and everyone should be supportive. No racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory messages will be allowed here. We’re all one family, so be sure you act accordingly.

MCRmy members can support MCR in many ways. If there are promotional materials to distribute, you can help do that. You can also help by helping spread videos and news online when asked, or simply by talking to people you know about the band. You can help in any way that you feel comfortable.

Jul 10, 2011

REVIEW: Oxegen Festival (exerpt) (WARNING - Negative review, refers to Gerard as "Gerald")

from the article: "Oxygen Festival: The Script and Tiny Tempah Blew the Stage Away" by Danny Mcelhinney

 ...My Chemical Romance, with Gerald Way under his ridiculously bright red hair swore plenty and ripped though a set comprising mostly of their last two albums, Danger Days and The Black Parade, but with time for their earliest hit, It’s Alright (I’m Not OK).

Tinie Tempah simply floored them down at the Vodafone stage and if Gerald Way’s potty mouth was more in keeping with rock and roll, then Tinie Tempah, aware now that he has crossed over into the mainstream, apologised to the parents in the audience on occasion for his use of the Fword.


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