Everyone is equal, everyone should be excellent to each other, and everyone should be supportive. No racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory messages will be allowed here. We’re all one family, so be sure you act accordingly.

MCRmy members can support MCR in many ways. If there are promotional materials to distribute, you can help do that. You can also help by helping spread videos and news online when asked, or simply by talking to people you know about the band. You can help in any way that you feel comfortable.

Jun 2, 2012

MCR STORE: Our Lady of Sorrows Hoodie Avail at the MCR store now!

Our Lady of Sorrows Hoodie

Black zip-up cotton poly blend hoodie featuring a classic MCR design "Our Lady of Sorrows"

This design is a remake of the very first MCR hoodie.

 Sizes S - XXL


buy it here


  1. sweet. does anyone know what the image is of? or what it says under the knife on the sleeve?

  2. If I had to guess it would have to do something about the "patron saint of switch blade fights" as in the lyrics
