Everyone is equal, everyone should be excellent to each other, and everyone should be supportive. No racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory messages will be allowed here. We’re all one family, so be sure you act accordingly.

MCRmy members can support MCR in many ways. If there are promotional materials to distribute, you can help do that. You can also help by helping spread videos and news online when asked, or simply by talking to people you know about the band. You can help in any way that you feel comfortable.

Jun 25, 2011

REVIEW (SPAIN - TRANSLATED): Decode Festival: Lori Meyers golean a My Chemical ‘El Canto del Loco’ Romance **WARNING - NEGATIVE REVIEW**

*** OK I used Google Translate to translate this article, so that's why some parts don't make sense, but I think you can get the general idea this person is trying to get across about their opinion of MCR.***

note - 'El Canto del Loco' is a Spanish pop/rock band that this writer is trying to compare My Chemical Romance to.


El grupo que menos cobró fue el que triunfó. No lo dice sólo este cronista: lo constatan 10.000 personas agitándose, botando, cantando a voz en cuello aquello de: “Qué puedo hacer por mejorar mi mundo que es mi realidad/ mi mundo que es mi realidad”. Lori Meyers, de Granada (ojo: equipo de Primera División), se llevaron la primera jornada del debutante festival madrileño DCode, que se celebra en Madrid en un escenario perfecto: el refrescante Complejo Deportivo Cantarranas de la Universidad Complutense. No lo tenía nada fácil el sexteto granadino. Se anunciaron como cabeza de cartel el grupo de Nueva Jersey My Chemical Romance. Otros estaban convencidos de que el plato fuerte eran Band of Horses, de Seattle. Algunos incluso apuntaban a Eels. Pero no: Noni y sus compadres de Granada les superaron a todos.

Pero antes conviene pedir perdón por si alguien se siente ofendido por lo siguiente: My Chemical Romance es como El Canto del Loco, pero con un cantante con la cabellera tintada de rojo. Teníamos la sensación de que eran un grupo grande estos My Chemical. Les dejaron la mejor hora (23.00) y el escenario más completo, pero su directo gravitó entre lo tosco y los lugares comunes del raca-raca. Comenzaron su actuación con el sencillo de su último disco, Na na na, una canción más cerca del punk festivo de Offspring que del dramatismo emo de sus anteriores trabajos. En realidad, My Chemical Romance ofrecen rock pijo para adolescentes. Y tómese esta definición de forma descriptiva y no peyorativa. El grupo, en directo, no da para más. Estuvo una hora en el escenario (con temas como Planetary (go!) o Destroya), con las primeras filas repletas de menores de edad, que se dieron cuentan de que su líder, Gerard Way, no está tan bueno como en las fotografías de promoción, y de que el grupo, en general, peca de monolítico.

Hubo momentos de incertidumbre en la actuación de My Chemical Romance: unas veces parecía que iba a salir Rihanna a acompañarles, y otras veías muy cerca que se arrancasen con una versión yanqui de Zapatillas. Y lo más desconcertante del asunto es que las dos posibilidades parecían más seductoras que lo que estaba ocurriendo en el escenario.


"The group was charged less succeeds. Not only tells this reporter: what was found 10,000 people waving, bouncing, singing loudly that of "What I can do to improve my world that is my reality / my world is my reality"
Lori Meyers, Granada (note: Premier League team), took the first day of rookie DCode Madrid festival, being held in Madrid in a perfect setting: the refreshing Cantarranas Sports Complex at the Complutense University. I do not have anything easy sextet Granada. Were announced as headliners New Jersey group My Chemical Romance. Others were convinced that the main course were Band of Horses, Seattle. Some even pointed to Eels. But no: Noni and its cronies of Granada surpassed them all.

But before I should apologize if anyone is offended by the following: My Chemical Romance is like El Canto del Loco, but with a singer with his hair dyed red. We felt we were a large group of these My Chemical. They let the best time (23.00) and the more complete scenario, but its direct gravitated between coarse and common places, Raca Raca. They began their performance with the single from his latest album, Na na na, a punk song festival closer to the drama of emo Offspring of his previous work. Actually, My Chemical Romance offer posh teen rock. And take this definition of descriptive rather than pejorative. The group live, do not give more. Spent an hour on stage (with themes such as Planetary (go!) or Destroy), with the front rows filled with children, they realized that their leader, Gerard Way, is not as good as the photographs of promotion, and the group in general is guilty of monolithic

There were moments of uncertainty in the performance of My Chemical Romance: sometimes seemed that he was going to accompany Rihanna, and others close to you saw that it has started with a version Yankee Slippers. And most puzzling thing is that the two possibilities seemed more attractive than what was happening on stage."


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