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Jul 11, 2016

NEWS (04/01/16): Rumor: Could Gerard Way Become The Figurehead Behind DC’s Vertigo Line?

Although DC made the majority of the big Rebirth announcements at WonderCon last weekend, rumor has it they are still holding one of their bigger ones for the upcoming Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. It seems My Chemical Romance singer (and Umbrella Academy writer) Gerard Way is being tapped by DC Vertigo into what’s being described as “a kind of showrunner/curator position” over a number of titles.

According to the rumor, his position is said to be described as “Not quite an editor, but not just a figurehead either.” Vertigo has not had a breakout hit in many years, arguably since Fables. Could this be just the thing that Vertigo needs? And could the long rumored relaunch of Doom Patrol from Way and Becky Cloonan be leading the pack? Hopefully we’ll know more soon.


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