Everyone is equal, everyone should be excellent to each other, and everyone should be supportive. No racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory messages will be allowed here. We’re all one family, so be sure you act accordingly.

MCRmy members can support MCR in many ways. If there are promotional materials to distribute, you can help do that. You can also help by helping spread videos and news online when asked, or simply by talking to people you know about the band. You can help in any way that you feel comfortable.

Jan 22, 2018

NEWS: Watch My Chemical Romance’s ‘The Black Parade Is Dead!’ on YouTube

My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade Is Dead! is officially available on YouTube, meaning we know what we'll be watching tonight. (!!!)

Our little hearts fluttered when we saw an update from the MCR YouTube page, and when we saw it was their concert film, we were stoked.

Originally released in 2008, it features 33 live tracks and is basically two hours of pure, MCR bliss.

Whether or not you've watched it 10000 times already (as we have...), you can now watch it in-full below:


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